Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Trying once again to get through web 2.0 training.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

There's a first time for everything

My first blog and i'm only about two months behind everyone doing Learning 2.0, already i don't know what to say but i'll try to keep droning on. I have never, ever been good at keeping a diary so i'm not sure about this. I figure that I will talk about what interests me the most in connection with work, which is literacy. I spend a lot of my time talking to groups at maternal and child health centres, usually consisting of parents with very small children about how important it is to read to babies from the earliest age possible. I can truly say that I love doing this and the best bit is when i see these people in a library excited to see me and eager to show me the books that they are selecting for their child, most say that it wouldn't have occured to them to read to their baby at such an early age, so i guess sometimes i have made a difference